Election funding: What’s National up to?
The great weakness of much journalism is a process-worker approach to assembling quotation-based stories….
Author and Investigative Journalist
The great weakness of much journalism is a process-worker approach to assembling quotation-based stories….
MPs have stepped back from proposals that would have lifted secrecy
surrounding party donations….
I will be talking tonight about the history and characteristics of propaganda, starting with the WWII versions as seen in the “Towards the Precipice” poster exhibition here at the museum and moving on to contemporary examples that together help us to understand the world we live in.
The Baubles of Office, The New Zealand General Election of 2005, edited by Stephen Levine and Nigel S. Roberts, Victoria University Press, March 2007, 600pp, $49.95.
reviewed by Nicky Hager
I would like to propose a New Year’s resolution for news organisations: sorting out the difference between genuine media commentators and giving regular media space to political party spin doctors….
Helen Clark has tried again to present herself as the victim in the contaminated corn crop issue. But, this time, she is partly correct….
It is not surprising if you haven’t heard of Project Aqua. It is the largest power scheme planned in New Zealand since the Clyde Dam 20 years ago and already it is controversial in the local area around Oamaru. But a lot of state resources are going into trying to silence the opponents and avoid the inconvenience of genuine public debate….
Now that three years of Labour Government have passed, it is becoming clear what we can expect during the next three or six years of this government….
Frantic Government damage control followed the release last week of my book Seeds of Distrust. We were told the book was completely untrue and that I was a conspiracy theorist taking part in a Green Party dirty trick.