We’ve put pragmatism before our principles
New Zealanders are being softened up to accept this country taking part in perhaps the most outrageous United States-led war since Vietnam….
Author and Investigative Journalist
New Zealanders are being softened up to accept this country taking part in perhaps the most outrageous United States-led war since Vietnam….
Now that three years of Labour Government have passed, it is becoming clear what we can expect during the next three or six years of this government….
Frantic Government damage control followed the release last week of my book Seeds of Distrust. We were told the book was completely untrue and that I was a conspiracy theorist taking part in a Green Party dirty trick.
As the pressure comes on New Zealand to support war in Asia, let’s not fool ourselves that we would be fighting on the side of right….
The cost of military equipment is always hard to comprehend. How can a small frigate cost more than half a billion dollars, Army radios cost tens of thousands each and a few Skyhawk jets cost more than $200 million a year?
This is a very positive time to be serving in the New Zealand Defence Force. The peacekeeping mission to East Timor is arguably Defence’s most important and popular role in the last 50 years….
The Jami-Lee Ross saga has prompted many to draw parallels with Dirty Politics, the 2014 exposé of attack politics and tactics emanating from the then prime minister’s office. Here the author of the book argues that it is a stark reminder that our politics remain at risk from the poison of dirty politics.