Category: Books
Being investigative journalists in times of trouble
The New Zealand SAS inquiry: the most serious findings against the NZSAS and NZDF in their history
Nicky Hager welcomes the Op Burnham Inquiry report, the most serious criticism of the NZSAS and NZDF in their history
Intelligence agencies also failed to follow up civilian casualty and torture reports – Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security report released today
New Zealand’s independent foreign policy
Hit and Run, The New Zealand SAS in Afghanistan and the meaning of honour
Dirty Politics
Early in 2014 Nicky Hager was leaked a large number of email and online conversations from Cameron Slater’s Whale Oil blog.
Many of these were between Slater and his personal allies on the hard right, revealing an ugly and destructive style of politics. But there were also many communications with the prime minister’s office and other Cabinet ministers in the National Govt.
The Manipulators, chapter 10 of The Hollow Men
The Australian strategists Crosby/Textor have returned to the news working for the British Conservative Party. We are reproducing a chapter about their operations in a New Zealand campaign, including leaked reports that show clearly how they think and operate…
(See also